Table of Contents

Testing and Training Instructions

In order to run a test, there may be an initial step required and / or a post test step.


For the test to be effective, the student information should appear in the classrooms. Depending upon the time of the day that the test is run it may be necessary to explicitly instruct the server to display the dismissal information. There are two methods that may be used to accomplish this goal.

If the test is performed after the time currently set as the dismissal display time then this step may be omitted.

Perform the Test

Test the service by entering parent pick up IDs and / or by dismissing groups.

Post Work

If the test is being performed on a day in which students will need to be actually dismissed, then two separate post test steps must be performed.

Reset Dismissals

As admin, navigate to Tools / Reset Dismissals.

This operation will clear all pick up number entry and group dismissals.

It will not clear

Change Display Status

Depending upon the method used to allow student names to be displayed, the opposite operation must be performed.