Table of Contents
Tardy Tracking
Tardy tracking allows office or hallway staff an expeditious method to record a student as tardy and provide a method to track that the tardy has been properly recorded by the teacher.
The time of day for which tardy events apply must be set by an administrator. This only needs to be done once unless the tardy time changes. This must be done with a Local Admin account.
Tardy logging occurs automatically when a student is recorded for morning arrival at a time later than the setting for the tardy time. These operations must be done by a Dismissal account.
- Select the View titled Morning Arrival
- Choose a location at the top of the screen
- Locate the student by name on the screen then click that button
Staff Connect Mobile App
- Select the Student Tag option on the main screen
- Select the scope as Morning Arrival
- Select the location
- Scan student Not Parent! QR code
Classroom (Teachers)
When teachers first view the dismissal screen, they will be informed if there are any students assigned to them that have a tardy record that has not yet been resolved. Teachers may access this list by clicking on this message or at any time by navigating to Students / Tardy
By default the range of tardy records will correspond to the current school year, but may be changed by using the date selection fields at the top of the page. Only those students assigned directly to the teacher will appear in the list. Unresolved tardy records will be displayed at the top of the list with an amber background.
Teachers may designate the resolution for each tardy event by setting the resolution value at the top of the screen then clicking the Set button adjacent to the event record. Each time a record is processed, the default value for the status will reset to Recorded in Attendance System. The person setting the resolution along with the date and time will be recorded.
Local Admin accounts may enter resolution information and review all tardy events by navigating to Reports / Tardy on the top menu. The screen operates the same as for classroom teachers but includes all students in the school.