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Revision History

July 2015

Tag Font Sizes

Addition to the parent car tag printing configuration to change the font size of the school name and the student names on the tags. Default values are shown based upon tag layout. Adjust the values up or down to find the appropriate size for the specific school name.

System Set Up Report

Overview of the major items required to begin using Silent Dismissal with steps to be performed to accomplish the task. Includes steps for:

Possible Error Report

Top level view of data that reports on possible problems. None of the entries may be actual problems, but it is the responsibility of the administrator to ensure that each value is considered.

Available Carpool Number

Adding new students just got easier with information on available carpool numbers shown at the top of the Students / New page.


Fixed the display of apostrophes in student names, group names, and messages.

Student Export

View all current students currently assigned to the school. Export feature makes it easy to move student records from one Silent Dismissal site to another, particularly for our clients that have two instances for either primary / elementary or elementary / middle schools.

Classroom Transaction Report

View all transactions for a single classroom in this report. Easier to use than the complete transaction report when only interested in a single classroom.