Table of Contents

Group Rosters

The assignment of students to groups may be viewed in several different ways. Each of these is described in detail below.

Group Edit

The Group Assignment section of the group edit page provides a view of all students both assigned to the group and not assigned to the group and provides a method for changing the assignment. This page is best used for editing as view the group assignments from this page is challenging.

Individual Group

The roster for each group that has at least one student assigned can be viewed by navigating to Menu: Groups / List All or Menu: Groups / <specific group type> then clicking on the number in the fourth column titled Roster.

The resultant page displays each student assigned to the group either as an optional member or as a member for one or more specific days in alphabetical order by student last name.

On those days in which the student is assigned to the group as a regularly participating member the column for the day of the week will contain the word Yes; if the student is not regularly assigned to the group for a given day of the week, the value in the day of the week column will be displayed as an empty table cell.

If the group type is a bus, then the final column on the screen will display the default bus stop for the student if a bus stop has been set.

At the bottom left of the screen is a download icon that allows the group roster to be downloaded as a spreadsheet for printing. In contrast to the on screen view, the spreadsheet download version lists the word No for those days the student is not routinely assigned to the group and presents a blank table cell on those days the student is assigned to the group. This provides a method to print a roster report for the week that can be checked off daily on those days the student is a normal participating member of the group. This, however, is not the recommended approach. The better approach is to use the Group Load view available to Dismissal Staff.

NOTE: The individual group group roster count column represents the total number of unique students assigned to the group on any day of the week or as an optional member. The numeric value of the roster count may overstate the number of students on any given day. For example, it is possible that no students are assigned to a group for Saturday but many are assigned on other weekdays. If the group is called on Saturday, no students will be called.

All Groups

The roster assignments for all groups for each day of the week may be viewed by navigating to Menu: Reports / Roster :: Groups. This page displays a table for each group ordered by group type, then by name of the group with columns for each day of the week. Within each column each student who is assigned to the group for that day is listed in alphabetical order by last name followed by their pick up ID number in parenthesis.

This view, however, does not show students who are assigned to the group only as optional members.

Multiple Group Data Validation

As a mater of best practice, a student should be assigned to only a single group for each day of the week to avoid confusion and to relieve classroom staff of the need to determine which group is applicable. As a matter of course, when parents assign students to groups the rule of only one group per day of the week is enforced in the application; only internal staff may assign students to more than one group for any given day of the week.

To view this report, navigate to Menu: Reports / Data Review :: Multiple Group.

A list of students who are assigned to more than one group on any day of the week are listed in alphabetical order with a counter for each day where the number of groups is greater than one. In this report it isn't possible to distinguish between having a single group or no group assignment on a given day of the week, only those days when two or more group assignments exist concurrently.

Group Load

The Group Load view is used by Dismissal Staff during actual dismissal. The view shows the students summoned to the group for the current day who have not been marked as absent, left early, cleared from the group, or loaded for the group. This view represents the only true and accurate list of students for a group for the current day. Because all students for a group are designated concurrently, the Group Load view displays the students in alphabetical order by last name. The view also shows the current status of students as to whether or not they have acknowledged the dismissal. Students that have designated that they have left the classroom for the group will display a green hourglass icon adjacent to their name while those who have not acknowledged the dismissal will display a red X adjacent to their names. Any student marked as absent, left early, cleared for the group, or loaded for the group will not appear on the current Group Load list.

See Also


Creating and Editing Groups

Group Assignment

Dismiss a Group