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Bus Stops

Bus stops may be defined for each group of type bus.

To access the edit page for the bus stops, so to Groups / Bus. When viewing only bus type groups, the fifth (5th) row of the table will list the number of stops currently defined for the bus route. Click on the number to view the edit page for that bus.

Bus Stop Edit

The bus stop edit page is divided into two parts. The top of the screen may be used to insert new bus stop records and the lower portion for editing existing bus stops. If no bus stops have been defined, only the bulk load section will appear.

Bulk Load

Begin by entering a description of each bus stop in order a spread sheet, with each stop in a separate cell in a single column.

By default the bus stops will be created with a numbering order starting at ten with an increment of ten. For example, if two records are added, they will be numbered 10 and 20. The gaps in the numbering sequence provides a method for easily adding additional bus stops at a later time that lies between two existing stops.

It is possible to override the automated numbering of bus stops by entering an alternate value in the second column. Entries without a defined number will be order with a value of 10 more than the preceding order number.

Bulk Load At End of List

To bulk load bus stops after the end of an existing list, designate the first row with an order number ten more than the last entry and leave the remainder of the entries without an order number.

Bulk Load Between Existing Stops

Stops may be bulk loaded between existing stops by explicitly providing an order number with a value between the values of existing stops.

For example, presume three stops exist with order number values of 10, 20, and 30. Now presume that it is necessary to add two stops before the first stop, one stop between the first and second stops, three stops between the second and third stops, and 4 more stops after the third stop.

To do this, assign the newly defined stops with order number values of 3 and 6 (before the first stop); 15 (after the first stop but before the second); 22, 25, and 27 (between the second stop and the third stop); and 40 (leave the last three stops without a defined number and the final four stops will be numbered 40, 50, 60, and 70).

Bulk Load After Last Stop

This is a degenerate case of the example for inserting stops between existing stops. When adding stops to the end of a list, specify the stop order number only for the first entry as 10 more than the current highest order number. New stops will be added to the end of the list with an order value incremented by 10.

Edit Existing

Existing bus stops may be reordered, renamed, or removed completely.

Changing the order number of an existing stop will reorder that stop based upon the numeric value of the order number.

Similarly, the text description of the bus stop may also be changed by replacing the existing text value.

Finally, a bus stop may be removed in it's entirety by checking the delete button adjacent to the stop.

When all edits have been made, click the Save Edit button to process all of the changes made to existing bus stops.

admin/bus_stops.1469121045.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/01 18:32 (external edit)