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The accounts drop-down lists pages that relate to account management.


[ **Figure 1.** Accounts / New page.]

The new page is used for account creation. (See Figure 1)

User ID, Last Name, Account Type, and Password are required fields and must be filled out to create an account.

Depending on the account type, a default place, grade, or location may be set for the account. These settings may also be changed after the account has been created.


[**Figure 2.** Accounts / List page.]

The list page will display a table of data for each account created within your Silent Dismissal site. (See Figure 2)

Sorting is enabled on this table. If you would like to sort by a specific data, click on the respective column title.

To quickly sign into an account, click on the text within user id column.

To edit an account, click on the text within the last name column.

The fields within the columns of this table are as follows:

Last Name First Name Role User ID Grade, Place, or Location Last Access Security
Field for account holder's last name Field for account holder's first name Field for account's role Field for account's login id Field for account holder's grade or default location Field for account's last access Field for number of failed login attempts

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lillie/interface-overview/admin-home/accounts.1592426054.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/05 13:13 (external edit)